
Friday, September 11, 2009

Never forget...

"Let's roll..."

September 11, 2001 was not a day I was looking forward to. Not in terms of anything dealing with national security, however, but the fact that I was facing a very long work day.

I am a letter carrier, and have been so for over 14 years now
. On this day, I was on a route that involved lots of apartments and lots of those flyers that show up in your mailbox once a week. Since I was still learning this particular route, I knew was that it was going to be a VERY long day. (Or in technical terms, ugh.)

I was still at the station when the attacks happened. Snow, rain, or dark of night, yes, but I didn't sign up for planes hitting buildings. As far as I know, the latter was not in the postal motto.

My girlfriend found me later on that day, relieved that I was fine. (We still are -- married for over six years now.) And the route got done, and I got better at it as time passed.

Those on Flight 93 saw a problem, and they did something about it, even at the cost of losing their lives, and protected us. They drew a line to tell those that would want to harm us -- no more. Not now, not ever again.

To those who are defending us -- this letter carrier says thank you.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. Psalm 139:13

I am blessed to be the father of two girls -- one who is the wise old age of two. Rachel is a challenge, but she is definitely a delight. With her it is black and white. Happy or sad. Laughing or mad -- and she can be a handful when she doesn't get what she wants. (All those who have or who have had two year olds raise your hands if you know what I'm talking about...) But I love her.

Little girls like to play dress up
, and both of my daughters are no exception. Seeing them do that makes me fall in love with my two little princesses all over again. Sometimes I will ask Rachel if she is a princess, and she will tell me "No." When I ask her what she is, she will announce, "I Rachel!" To which I have no argument!

She knows who she is. So does the Master. I look forward to seeing her announce to her Creator, "I Rachel!" I look forward to hearing Him say to her, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

What more could her daddy ask for?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Something to say...

"Your life is the song that you sing, and the whole wide world is listening..." -- Matthew West

So I guess that we are going to give this a try
. One thing that my bride Carrie (I never get tired of calling her that...) has encouraged me to do is to write. I can't say that I am the most polished author around.

Where will we go with this? Come with me on the journey...