
Friday, December 11, 2009

The invitation...

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

John 3:16 (NASB)

It's been busy lately, with the mail business consuming a more than usual amount of my time. By the end of the day, a pillow looks very enticing. But I digress.

I haven't given up on the blog by any means, and I have had ideas here and there as to what to put down. I tried earlier to start a post with the same title, but I had some problems trying to get it to post. Maybe now I know why.

I wanted to keep this blog politics free. Focus on the more important things in life, like my faith in Jesus, my family, baseball, sweet tea, and so on. Those who know me know that I hold very conservative views, and I make no apologies for that. And it is those views, along with my faith, the time of the year, and the times that we live in that brings this post together.

I look around me and I don't like what I see. Things happening at such a rapid and ever accelerating pace that it boggles the mind. (In my case, that's not hard.) Looking at what awaits my four year old as she ventures out into this great big world next year, and in some ways it's not pretty. (Although math is still cool.) Daddy-bear gets protective.

Yet with the increasing chaos, this is still the most wonderful time of the year. Not so much the shopping and advertising and hustle and bustle, but it is the annual reminder of a Child coming to rescue us. With that in mind, I offer this invitation, sent to me a few years back. It is worth heeding...and accepting.

I pray that you do.

Party invitation...

Guest of honor: Jesus Christ

Date: Everyday. Traditionally December 25, but He's always around, so the time is flexible.

Time: Whenever you're ready (please don't be too late, though, or you'll miss out on all the fun).

Attire: Come as you are...grubbies are okay. He'll be washing our clothes anyway. He said something about new white robes and crowns for everyone who stays till the last.

Tickets: Admission is free. He's already paid for everyone (He says we would not have been able to afford's cost Him everything He had).

Refreshments: New wine, bread and a far-out drink He calls living water...followed by a supper that promises to be out of this world!

Gift suggestions: Your heart. He's one of those people who already has everything else. (He's very generous in return, though...just wait until you see what He has for you.)

Entertainment: Joy, peace, truth, light, life, love, real happiness, communion with God, forgiveness, miracles, healing, power, eternity in paradise, and much more! (All rated 'G' so bring your family and friends!)

RSVP: Very important! He must know ahead so He can reserve a spot for you at the table. Also, He's keeping a list of His friends for future reference. He calls it the Lamb's Book of Life.

Party being given by his kids -- that's us.

Hope to see you there!

"Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.) "Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!"
Revelation 19:7-9

For those of you whom I will see at the party, share this with someone who is close to your heart...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thankful for... bride of six and a half years. two funny and beautiful daughters. parents. sister. family on all sides.
...second chances.
...having a job.
...the ability to read. in the United States.
...the freedom to speak as I need to.
...friends both old and new. to eat.
...a bed to sleep in.
...a roof over my head.
...undeserved love.
...a preacher telling of the Gospel in a small church in Marion, Ohio in 1983...and that I took it to heart.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank you...

“We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail.”

-- President George W. Bush, Sept. 20, 2001

One of the perks of being a letter carrier is that you get to see a lot of some very different and interesting things. (Such as a goose deciding to come after my postal vehicle. Never mess with a goose.)

But so many times being out on a route I hear a roar of an engine overhead, and occasionally I see the jet(s) flying overhead, most likely based at the local Air National Guard Base.

A co-worker of mine is currently deployed in the Middle East, and another one is a Navy veteran. My uncle was in the Air Force back in the 60's, and a distant cousin fought in Desert Storm.

And most of all, my dad served in the National Guard for six years during the Vietnam era. He never got sent over there, but I have heard more stories from him about his experience that can still entertain today. There are even pictures of him in his fatigues holding me when I was just a toddler.

My wife Carrie and daughters and I were at TGI Fridays a while back having lunch when a group of soldiers came in to enjoy a meal. Before we left, Carrie took my oldest to meet them -- basically a thank you. Maybe she was too young at the time to remember that experience, but I hope that something has stuck with her.

I myself have not been in the military, but I have gained a better appreciation for what they do. They protect and defend us. They serve their country. From Bunker Hill to Baghdad...from Washington to Petraeus. I and my family salute and thank them.

And may our Creator continue to bless the United States -- and may we give Him reason to do so.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Now do you get it?

I'm growing, and I don't like it
I'm growing, and it hurts
I love You, but I'm tired
Guess I've got a lot to learn
Guess I've got a lot to learn

"Growing" -- Wayne Watson

Forgive me if I ramble on here.

Anyone who is a parent feel like they could do better?

After a long day at work, I most often want to just zone out. Just because I've been gone for 11 hours doesn't leave me that option, though. Tonight it was I walk in the door and Carrie leaves a minute or two later for a meeting at church. Tonight it was feeling antsy for some reason and not knowing why. Trying to have an attempt at a devotional at bedtime as a four year old uses me for a personal jungle gym. (All you moms are out there smiling at this point.) And I later asked the four year old, otherwise known as Dana, if she missed Daddy today. And she said, "Yes."

I just want to be a good father, and I get in the way so much of the time. I just want to raise her and her sister in a Christian way, without anyone else interfering. (Ok, off of the soap box now.)
And I feel like that I have no clue what I'm doing.

And maybe the Creator said to me
, "Do you get it now?"

Yes, I do. Lesson learned...a bit.

Still growing...

Thursday, October 15, 2009


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven...

Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV

October is here. I like fall -- maybe because my birthday is here. With the coming of October means the end of baseball season. Playoffs are here, but still, no more baseball. (Ugh.) I have been a Cincinnati Reds fan for over 30 years -- could even quote you the lineup from the '75 team (including position). I like baseball because it is baseball -- structure yet so much happening within that framework. So much like chess -- strategy, move and countermove. And there's the ooh and ah factor when someone hits a home run.

Fall means change. Change into rain gear which I have done twice within the past week at work. (And still come home wet.) Change into colder weather, leaves falling, the smell of bonfires -- all little reminders.

Season of changes for me as well. Learning how to be a husband. Learning about the nuclear diaper. (You parents know what I'm talking about.) Seeing my oldest now going to school. And learning more and more -- sometimes the hard way -- that I can't do life alone. It might work for the Lone Ranger, but not for me anymore. It is a lesson that I have learned and am still learning.

I need my wife. I need my daughters. I need my family and friends.

And most of all, I need Jesus.

Whatever the season.

Friday, October 9, 2009


God has a wild imagination
Come and see
Come and be surprised...

"Wild Imagination" -- Scott Krippayne

Maybe this is proof that I am a writer -- mental block has hit me. So what does a writer do? Look for inspiration...
I like the above song -- something different.

I am not only shaped by my faith, but also by my age group. And sometimes the two combine with my selection of music. I like to think that I have a rich musical heritage (listening and NOT singing or playing). I grew up in the United Methodist Church, and my mother's father was a preacher in a small holiness denomination, so I grew up with the best of both worlds. And even though I am not a singer, I LOVE it when our church sings "There Is Power In The Blood" with a banjo in the background, and I am in there with the rest.

My contribution? CCM. After I became a believer, I started out with B.J. Thomas and Amy Grant. Later, I discovered Michael W. Smith, and have been to about four of his concerts. And I could go on.

But the big discovery was Amazon. Books and so much more, and older CCM all there online, used but perfectly playable, and all for the a boy in a candy store being told that he could get whatever he wanted. So many things to discover...

How's that for an opening?

Reminders from my music collection...

...that I have always been loved.
...that my oldest daughter has the heart of a princess.
...that someone wants to spend the rest of their life with me.
...that love sometimes hurts, but it is so worth it.
...that someday I will see my Captain, the One who makes my sins as white as snow.

And all that is mine right now.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Watch me, Daddy!

So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or from away from it.

2 Corinthians 5:9

If you were to ask my wife or my sister about how I am in the mornings, let's just say that the answers would not be very complimentary toward me. I am not the most pleasant person to be around, and the brain cells are not firing at full speed. But for some reason this Sunday morning, my brain started connecting some dots that needed connecting. (That, in itself, is a miracle.) And a side thank you to my oldest Dana, our bed, and Aaron Shust.

The latter is a singer that I have been listening to for about four or five years, and I especially like his latest CD. Dana is my firstborn, four years old, and tons of energy to boot. Some of that energy is expended using Mommy and Daddy's bed as a trampoline. Most often, that is, with music. Enter Mr. Shust, with his song "To God Alone," which I had playing on the stereo as I was brushing my teeth as Dana was jumping on the bed.

But Dana wanted me to see her jumping. So she let me know about it, saying "Watch me, Daddy!"

And I watched her. And I heard what song was playing.

And then the holy moment happened.

I realized that Dana wanted her daddy's attention. She wanted to please Daddy. And believe me, she did.

I so much want to please my Daddy -- my Abba. But unlike my daughter, I so often don't...even when He is watching.

Yet despite my multiple sins and stubbornness, I still want to please Him. And He is still my Daddy.

Jump away, Dana. Jump away.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Psalm 90:12

I still remember the gift that I received for my 8th birthday -- a watch. It was not just any watch, but a watch that had a teeter-totter instead of a second hand. Couldn't tell you why I remembered that or where it went to, but for some reason that watch is stuck in my brain.

The next eight days in the family have two birthdays -- my bride's in eight days, and mine being tomorrow. Number 42 for me.
So lots of celebrating ahead. (Maybe needing a fire extinguisher to blow out the candles??)

There was a song that was played for Carrie and I at our wedding called "Life Means So Much" by Chris Rice. I'm a big fan of Mr. Rice and have been for a few years, "accidentally" discovering him in a mail order music club catalog. At the end of the song there is a phrase that I think could apply to not only marriages but ourselves as individuals:

Every day is a gift you've been given
Make the most of the time every minute you're livin'

Almost 42 and I still need to learn that.

For Carrie (and if anyone else wants to read it, that's ok):

You have seen me in some of my most trying times. You know that I am not the easiest man to live with, and through it all, I know that you love me. You know when I need a hug, and you know that I sometimes need a swift kick in the behind.

I love you, I love you, I love you. Happy (early) birthday, my bride.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The gift of today

Every day is a gift you've been given
Make the most of the time every minute you're livin'...

"Life Means So Much" -- Chris Rice

Today was a welcome respite from the meat grinder of last week. Mostly work, that is. I found myself once again inwardly fuming at what is going on at my workplace. Illogic drives me up the wall, and I felt like I was drowning in it, with all the changes in work coming at me. Don't get me wrong -- with the economy the way it is right now, I am truly grateful to have a job, and the post office has provided for me and my family in so many ways. Just wish that it would make more sense.

I have neglected the basics of what I believe for a long time now -- prayer, reading the Word and applying it -- that my reactions at work mirror so many of those who do not claim to be disciples of Jesus. (Side note -- if what I say is truly wrong -- please -- call me on it.) I can be abrasive, but should I be that way if I claim His name?

So what to do? Back to the basics. Make the most of the time I have every day and live it for the One I claim to follow. Live for Jesus and Him first.

Anyone want to come with me?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Never forget...

"Let's roll..."

September 11, 2001 was not a day I was looking forward to. Not in terms of anything dealing with national security, however, but the fact that I was facing a very long work day.

I am a letter carrier, and have been so for over 14 years now
. On this day, I was on a route that involved lots of apartments and lots of those flyers that show up in your mailbox once a week. Since I was still learning this particular route, I knew was that it was going to be a VERY long day. (Or in technical terms, ugh.)

I was still at the station when the attacks happened. Snow, rain, or dark of night, yes, but I didn't sign up for planes hitting buildings. As far as I know, the latter was not in the postal motto.

My girlfriend found me later on that day, relieved that I was fine. (We still are -- married for over six years now.) And the route got done, and I got better at it as time passed.

Those on Flight 93 saw a problem, and they did something about it, even at the cost of losing their lives, and protected us. They drew a line to tell those that would want to harm us -- no more. Not now, not ever again.

To those who are defending us -- this letter carrier says thank you.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. Psalm 139:13

I am blessed to be the father of two girls -- one who is the wise old age of two. Rachel is a challenge, but she is definitely a delight. With her it is black and white. Happy or sad. Laughing or mad -- and she can be a handful when she doesn't get what she wants. (All those who have or who have had two year olds raise your hands if you know what I'm talking about...) But I love her.

Little girls like to play dress up
, and both of my daughters are no exception. Seeing them do that makes me fall in love with my two little princesses all over again. Sometimes I will ask Rachel if she is a princess, and she will tell me "No." When I ask her what she is, she will announce, "I Rachel!" To which I have no argument!

She knows who she is. So does the Master. I look forward to seeing her announce to her Creator, "I Rachel!" I look forward to hearing Him say to her, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

What more could her daddy ask for?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Something to say...

"Your life is the song that you sing, and the whole wide world is listening..." -- Matthew West

So I guess that we are going to give this a try
. One thing that my bride Carrie (I never get tired of calling her that...) has encouraged me to do is to write. I can't say that I am the most polished author around.

Where will we go with this? Come with me on the journey...