
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Now do you get it?

I'm growing, and I don't like it
I'm growing, and it hurts
I love You, but I'm tired
Guess I've got a lot to learn
Guess I've got a lot to learn

"Growing" -- Wayne Watson

Forgive me if I ramble on here.

Anyone who is a parent feel like they could do better?

After a long day at work, I most often want to just zone out. Just because I've been gone for 11 hours doesn't leave me that option, though. Tonight it was I walk in the door and Carrie leaves a minute or two later for a meeting at church. Tonight it was feeling antsy for some reason and not knowing why. Trying to have an attempt at a devotional at bedtime as a four year old uses me for a personal jungle gym. (All you moms are out there smiling at this point.) And I later asked the four year old, otherwise known as Dana, if she missed Daddy today. And she said, "Yes."

I just want to be a good father, and I get in the way so much of the time. I just want to raise her and her sister in a Christian way, without anyone else interfering. (Ok, off of the soap box now.)
And I feel like that I have no clue what I'm doing.

And maybe the Creator said to me
, "Do you get it now?"

Yes, I do. Lesson learned...a bit.

Still growing...