
Thursday, October 15, 2009


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven...

Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV

October is here. I like fall -- maybe because my birthday is here. With the coming of October means the end of baseball season. Playoffs are here, but still, no more baseball. (Ugh.) I have been a Cincinnati Reds fan for over 30 years -- could even quote you the lineup from the '75 team (including position). I like baseball because it is baseball -- structure yet so much happening within that framework. So much like chess -- strategy, move and countermove. And there's the ooh and ah factor when someone hits a home run.

Fall means change. Change into rain gear which I have done twice within the past week at work. (And still come home wet.) Change into colder weather, leaves falling, the smell of bonfires -- all little reminders.

Season of changes for me as well. Learning how to be a husband. Learning about the nuclear diaper. (You parents know what I'm talking about.) Seeing my oldest now going to school. And learning more and more -- sometimes the hard way -- that I can't do life alone. It might work for the Lone Ranger, but not for me anymore. It is a lesson that I have learned and am still learning.

I need my wife. I need my daughters. I need my family and friends.

And most of all, I need Jesus.

Whatever the season.