
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Watch me, Daddy!

So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or from away from it.

2 Corinthians 5:9

If you were to ask my wife or my sister about how I am in the mornings, let's just say that the answers would not be very complimentary toward me. I am not the most pleasant person to be around, and the brain cells are not firing at full speed. But for some reason this Sunday morning, my brain started connecting some dots that needed connecting. (That, in itself, is a miracle.) And a side thank you to my oldest Dana, our bed, and Aaron Shust.

The latter is a singer that I have been listening to for about four or five years, and I especially like his latest CD. Dana is my firstborn, four years old, and tons of energy to boot. Some of that energy is expended using Mommy and Daddy's bed as a trampoline. Most often, that is, with music. Enter Mr. Shust, with his song "To God Alone," which I had playing on the stereo as I was brushing my teeth as Dana was jumping on the bed.

But Dana wanted me to see her jumping. So she let me know about it, saying "Watch me, Daddy!"

And I watched her. And I heard what song was playing.

And then the holy moment happened.

I realized that Dana wanted her daddy's attention. She wanted to please Daddy. And believe me, she did.

I so much want to please my Daddy -- my Abba. But unlike my daughter, I so often don't...even when He is watching.

Yet despite my multiple sins and stubbornness, I still want to please Him. And He is still my Daddy.

Jump away, Dana. Jump away.